Home Garden

My Fridge Is Leaking Blue Fluid

Blue fluid on the floor near your fridge might seem like a reason to get concerned. Fortunately, this problem isn’t difficult to fix – and usually not dangerous. Understanding the causes and how to fix the problem will assist in getting blue fluid leaks under control.
  1. Cause

    • During the manufacturing process, blue foam is used to insulate the fridge – typically in the walls. Sometimes when this substance breaks down, your fridge might start leaking blue fluid on the floor. Fluid doesn’t usually leak in large amounts – just enough to notice.


    • While a refrigerator leaking blue fluid might seem hazardous, in most cases, it’s not. The most dangerous type of refrigerator leak is a Freon leak, which doesn’t produce blue fluid. Instead, it produces colorless, odorless fluid that evaporates quickly. With a blue fluid leak, you simply clean up the leaky area and repair the problem.


    • To stop a blue fluid leak, you need to seal the problem area. You can use RTV sealants available from most hardware stores or home improvement centers. First clean off the leaking area and dry thoroughly. Apply sealant to the area as directed. You can skip repairing the leak yourself by calling a repair person instead. Contact the manufacturer of your refrigerator and ask for an authorized repair technician in your area. If your refrigerator is still under warranty, you might get the problem fixed at no cost.


    • Prevent leaks by inspecting the legs of your refrigerator. Ideally, your refrigerator will tilt to the rear. If it’s leaning forward, even a little, it can compromise the seals, resulting in leakage. If you find a problem, adjust the legs under the front to ensure the weight is leaning to the back, not to the front, recommends the website Service Magic. If you purchase a used refrigerator, notice how the fridge is sitting. If it’s leaning forward, the seals may be compromised.