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How to Remove the Foam From Laminated Stairs

Foam is often used as an underlayment for floating laminate floors. The cushioning layer makes laminate floors more comfortable to walk and stand on. However, foam underlayment is infrequently used on stairs, which need a sturdier foundation. To remove the foam from laminated stairs you must first remove the laminate. Once you have access, it is easy to pull up the foam underlayment and re-cover the stairs.

Things You'll Need

  • Hammer
  • Nail punch
  • Pry bar
  • Shim
  • Liquid detergent soap
  • Cloth
  • Mineral spirits
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    • 1

      Remove the baseboards. Start at one end of the board. Sink the first few nails through the baseboard with a hammer and a nail punch. Slide a pry bar behind the baseboard on the end with the removed nails and push the baseboard away from the wall. Slide a shim behind the pry bar to protect the wall as you push. Move the pry bar along the baseboard to push it away from the wall along its length. Pull out any nails with a pair of pliers.

    • 2

      Remove the stair nosing following the baseboard removal method described in Step 1.

    • 3

      Remove the laminate flooring. The removal method depends on the installation method. Lift, slide and unlock floating laminate panels. These panels are attached by the tongues and grooves on their edges. Pry up glued-on or nailed-on laminate panels with the pry bar. They may be glued directly to the foam underlayment or the foam underlayment may be factory-attached to the laminate panels themselves.

    • 4

      Pull up the remaining foam underlayment by hand.

    • 5

      Pull up any of the foam underlayment's adhesive tape. Clean up any adhesive residue with soap and water. Wipe with a rag moistened with mineral spirits if the soap and water won't cut through the adhesive.