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How to Repair Attic Fan Belt Motors

Attic fan belt motors do not usually require maintenance. Because the motor is mounted without a cover, it is sealed, which means there are no oil ports. If the motor suddenly stops working, however, it might be repairable or require replacement. Repairing an attic fan motor is limited to the wiring of the unit. If you are not comfortable working around electricity, contact a service professional. The two main issues with a faulty motor is whether its reset button is tripped or the wires have a short.

Things You'll Need

  • Phillips screwdriver
  • Multimeter
  • Wire strippers
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      Check the motor for a red reset button. If the fan motor has a reset button, it is on the side pointing away from the fan belt and fan. Press the reset button inward with your finger if it is protruding from the side of the motor. This is usually all that is necessary to repair the attic fan motor.

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      Turn off the circuit breaker to the attic fan motor if it does not have a reset button or the reset button continually protrudes from the motor housing.

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      Follow the wires from the motor to the electrical junction box. Remove the screw securing the cover to the junction box with a Phillips screwdriver. Check to ensure the power is off to the junction box using a multimeter. Stick a probe into the wire nut securing the black wires and a probe into the wire nut securing the white or red wires. There should be a zero voltage reading on the multimeter scale.

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      Turn the wire nuts counterclockwise to remove them from the wires. Separate the house wires from the fan motor wires. Look for cracks on the bare ends of the wires. Cracks cause shorts in electrical current to the motor. If the bare ends have damage, cut them off with a pair of wire strippers. Remove 1/4 inch of insulation from the end of the wire so there is a new bare end.

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      Place the ends of like-colored wires together and twist the wire nut over the ends until the wire nut is tight. Position the cover back over the junction box and secure it with the retaining screw. Turn the circuit breaker on to power the attic fan motor.