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How to Increase Water Well Production

A private well is a source of water for your home, but it may not provide consistent pressure or an adequate volume of water. If you have added a bathroom, a sprinkler system or other water-using appliances to your home, you may have noted a decrease in water pressure or well production. To increase the production of your well, water well service professionals advise conservation, perforating and fracturing.


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      Decrease your water consumption to allow your well to recharge. Homeowners reliant on a well to provide their primary source of water are affected by seasonal fluctuations that affect water availability. Seasonal heavy rainfalls and periods of extended drought affect the “height” or “level” of water in the well. Recharged with rainwater, the level of the well increases. During a drought, the groundwater level is diminished. Savvy well owners often store water in tanks in anticipation of a drought.

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      Plan usage times. If you use your well for irrigation or refilling water holding tanks, draw your water during the off-peak periods of use. If your well is pumped at a faster rate than the rate at which the aquifer is recharged by underground flow or precipitation, the water level of your well and other wells in the area, drawing from the same aquifer, will be lowered.

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      Inspect your down-hole pump. If the pump is plugged with sand or built-up mineral deposits, a diminished amount of water is produced. Cleaning the pump may fix the problem. If the pump is damaged or malfunctioning, it is time for a replacement. The majority of household wells have pumps programmed to operate at a certain pressure per square inch, or psi, and that is typically 40 to 60 psi. Pumps normally operate at one speed to maintain the pressure in your tank at the designated setting. When multiple outlets draw water from the tank, the pressure can drop dramatically. Try to avoid using multiple water applications, such as showering and running the dishwasher or washing machine at the same time.

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      Consider consulting a water geologist to determine if additional perforating of the well casing would increase your water flow. Do this if your water well is not producing the volume of water that it has made in the past. A down-hole perforator can be used to increase the linear footage of open area for water to flow into the casing and expand the production zones of the well.

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      Hire a well drilling company to perform hydro-fracturing to increase the water volume in an established well. Hydro-fracturing is a method of using water, applied under extreme pressure, to crack the formation around the well casing. Fracturing the rock formation allows more water to flow through the cracks in the rocks. Contact a licensed water well drilling and completion company for an evaluation of your well and an estimate on the expense of hydro-fracturing your well. Fracturing is often much less expense than drilling a new well.