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What Is a Significant Drop in a House Foundation?

Your home's foundation must stay structurally sound or else you will have to deal with a costly repair. One of the most common problems with foundations occurs when they drop, or settle. The settling can result from various causes, some more serious than others. Recognizing when a potentially damaging drop happens can help you take timely corrective action.
  1. Even or Uneven Rate

    • Foundations that have settled 1/2 inch or more generally cause some level of damage to the homes they support. Settling often occurs naturally in houses built three years earlier or less. A house that settles naturally at an even rate might not indicate a serious problem. Houses settling unevenly, however, usually suggest that structural damage is occurring. Solutions could involve simply keeping the ground around your house equally moist on all sides or installing concrete supports under your foundation.


    • You can look for certain things happening in your home to tell whether your foundation is settling. Doors starting to stick against jambs or not latching properly, cracks in the walls over windows and doors or where an interior wall intersects with the ceiling or cracks that begin showing up in vinyl flooring placed over a concrete subfloor may all point to a settling problem. Windows that keep sticking may also signal a dropping foundation.


    • Houses built on slab foundations in certain areas can sometimes experience significant settling due to the movement of heavy clay soils. The clay can expand or shrink depending on the level of moisture in the soil. When a drought hits, the clay shrinks causing the slab to settle. A good solution for this problem involves placing perforated pipes in the ground so you can wet the soil around the foundation during any dry periods.


    • Checking the perimeter of your house regularly allows you to catch any settling problems early. When you look down the wall of your home at each corner, you should see a straight line. A bulge or any unevenness may indicate settling. If your house has a basement, check for any cracks in the foundation walls. Vertical cracks usually point to minor problems, but horizontal or staircase cracks often suggest a structural defect.