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How to Troubleshoot a Metal Cutting Bandsaw

A bandsaw is a power tool that has a continuous band of metal with teeth along one edge. The metal band revolves at a high rate of speed to cut make clean cuts to your work pieces. A standard bandsaw is designed for cutting wood, but you can also get models specifically for cutting metal. A metal cutting bandsaw works in the same fashion as a wood cutting bandsaw, and you can use similar troubleshooting techniques if you run into minor performance issues while using the saw.


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      Clamp your work securely in the vice and try adjusting the speed of the saw if your blades break often during use.

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      Move the metal you’re cutting back slightly so it isn’t in contact with the saw blade when you start the saw if the blades are breaking shortly after you start up the saw.

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      Adjust the blade tension according to the directions for your saw model if the blades are breaking as you cut the metal. Make subtle adjustments until the blades no longer break.

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      Replace the bandsaw blade with a new one that has smaller tooth spacing if your blade has teeth spaced farther apart and it breaks repeatedly.

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      Adjust the tension of your blade so it is a little tighter and decrease the speed or feed if the saw is making rough cuts on the metal.

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      Decrease the blade tension slightly if the blade is twisting as it cuts the metal.

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      Decrease the speed of the saw and switch to a blade that has finer teeth if the blade becomes dull sooner than manufacturer’s instructions says it should.