Home Garden

How to Find Out Who Supplies Gas & Electric

Whether you're building a subdivision or a home for yourself, it's important to know ahead of time which gas and electric companies serve the area. The cost of utilities is also an important factor in deciding where to relocate your home or business. Don't assume that a large power company that serves the entire region has a monopoly in the community you're interested in; municipal electric companies can exist in a utility's territory. You should be able to get your answer with a few phone calls and mouse clicks.

Things You'll Need

  • Internet access
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      Visit the website for your state's public utility commission or public service commission. The site should have a listing and links for every gas and electric company in the state, so the names of any municipal utilities should be recognizable. The website might also have a function to click on a county or region of the state to bring up available utility providers.

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      Call your town, city or village hall. The clerk's or municipal engineer's office should have copies of franchise or licensing agreements with the utility that may be required for doing business in the community. The office should be able to tell you which utilities service the town and whether you would have the ability to purchase power or gas from other companies using existing transmission lines.

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      View the websites for some of the larger electricity providers and natural gas companies that you are familiar with. According to one of them, Country Energy, you can search on the site if the company serves your area and inquire about bringing service to your area.