Home Garden

How to Fit Steel Pipe

Steel pipe is used mainly in the home for gas supply lines and is coated black. Small lengths of stainless steel pipe are also used in connecting water heaters to copper water supply pipes via joints called dielectric unions. Steel pipe comes in different lengths and is threaded at both ends, so it's important to calculate the required length of each pipe before purchasing it. Though it's possible to cut and thread the pipe yourself, special tools are required and this is usually done only by professionals. However, pipe can be cut and threaded to different lengths at major DIY stores.

Things You'll Need

  • Thread compound
  • Steep pipe & couplings
  • Pipe wrench
  • Shut-off valve
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    • 1

      Apply thread compound across and into the threads at each end of the first piece of pipe. Then screw one end by hand into the fixture (such as the house's gas meter). Tighten the pipe to the fixture using a pipe wrench.

    • 2

      Screw on a metal coupling to the other end of the pipe--again, tighten it in place with the wrench.

    • 3

      Thread the second piece of steel pipe into the other end of the coupling and tighten with the wrench. Continue in this fashion until all pipe and couplings are in place. Then at the last piece of pipe, screw on a shut-off valve--apply thread compound to the threads first--and tighten it in place.