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Advtantages and Disadvantages of Natural Gas

There are many factors to consider when determining whether to choose natural gas. Comparisons must be made between costs of gas compared to other sources of electricity or fuel. Environmental concerns must be looked at in regard to both the burning of the fuel and the impact of retrieving it from the ground. The safety of natural gas also can be of importance.
  1. Getting Natural Gas

    • Natural gas is formed in the same manner as oil, and gas deposits are usually found next to oil deposits. Gas is reached by drilling, like oil. But once found, gas is transported in a different manner. Oil is shipped to refineries in crude form in trucks and tankers. Gas is sent through pipelines. It also can be cooled and sent in containers as a liquid. If oil spills, a massive cleanup is needed. If gas spills, it dissipates into the atmosphere.

    Environmental Concerns

    • Natural gas is cleaner burning than any of the other fossil fuels. It gives off almost one-third fewer carbon emissions than oil, and almost half as many carbon emissions as coal. Natural gas is odorless and harmless if inhaled in small amounts. It also does not contaminate the earth if spilled, but there are environmental disruptions resulting from getting the gas out of the ground and to consumers. Land has to be cleared for drilling and pipelines. Chemicals also are used in drilling, which can contaminate the water supply.

    Monetary Concerns

    • Natural gas can be cheaper to use than electrical power. There are abundant supplies of natural gas, and the United States produces most of the gas it uses. The cost of natural gas can fluctuate greatly, however. The cost to the consumer is based on cost of transporting the gas to the energy company, getting the gas from the energy company to your house and the price of the gas itself. Building and maintaining pipelines is expensive, and this cost is transmitted to the consumer.

    Reliability and Safety

    • Natural gas is sent through underground pipelines, so it does not suffer weather-related outages as does electric power. Since most of the gas used in the United States is produced in the states, the commodity is less susceptible to global events and shortages than oil. Natural gas is almost pure methane and is highly flammable. A strong rotten egg smell is added to the naturally odorless gas so leaks can be noticed if they occur, but natural gas explosions have been known to happen.