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The Advantages of Installing a Flue Gas Analyzer

A flue gas analyzer is a device used to monitor the gases emitted from the pipes or ducts of a boiler, furnace or other unit. In turn, these devices help maximize efficiency and protect individuals from harmful gases. Due to the high-tech nature of a flue gas analyzer, installing one of these devices offers four distinct advantages.
  1. Safety

    • Probably the biggest advantage of installing a flue gas analyzer is the safety it provides. Whether in a home or business, this device carefully monitors gas emissions. As a result, if a dangerous gas such as carbon monoxide is present, a flue gas analyzer will quickly pick up on this. Then the problem can be repaired before endangering the health of anyone. In some cases, this can be the difference between life and death.

    Increased Efficiency

    • Another benefit is that a unit such as a boiler can run at its optimal efficiency. As opposed to older mechanical tools, an installed flue gas analyzer can run continuously. This means that if there is an issue hindering the performance of a boiler, it can be quickly resolved. In the long run, this can save a substantial amount of energy. Consequently, this can reduce energy bills and save money.

    Obtains Data Quickly

    • Since a flue gas analyzer is an electrical device, it allows data to be quickly obtained. This means that reports can be transferred to a computer and can be easily printed out. That data can also be stored and viewed later on, which makes it possible to spot long-term patterns in the functioning of a boiler or other unit.

    Environmental Benefits

    • A reduced impact on the environment is an added advantage of installing a flue gas analyzer. Since the efficiency on units like boilers is improved, it also minimizes the pollution entering the atmosphere. In a time when global warming is a threat and conservation is of utmost importance, this is a key benefit.