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How Do I Restart the Honeywell Furnace if It Ran Out of Fuel?

On occasions when you accidentally let your furnace run completely out of fuel, it may not kick on the next time you refill the fuel tank and try to start it. You may need to loosen your furnace’s bleeder valve to allow air to escape before the furnace will kick back on. Loosening the valve requires an adjustable wrench and a bucket to catch fuel. Your Honeywell furnace will likely turn back on a moment after you loosen the bleeder valve.

Things You'll Need

  • Adjustable wrench
  • Bucket
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      Turn off your furnace and follow the fuel line from the furnace. Somewhere along the fuel line – likely close to the furnace – is the bleeder valve. The valve usually looks similar to a grease fitting or a small bolt.

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      Loosen the bleeder valve slightly with an adjustable wrench. Do not loosen it a great deal; a slight turn of the wrist will suffice.

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      Place a bucket under the bleeder valve. Turn your furnace back on. Air, and fuel eventually, will flow out of the valve. Once fuel begins to fall into your bucket, tighten the valve back up. The furnace should start. If it does not, repeat the process.

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      Push the “Reset” button located on your furnace if your furnace refuses to turn on or if loosening the bleeder valve does not result in escaping air and fuel. Sometimes running out of fuel – or loosening the bleeder valve – requires you to push the “Reset” button before your furnace will start.