Home Garden

How to Get Matted Carpet Up

If you have carpet in your home, areas of high traffic can cause the carpet to become matted or crushed, and the added dirt and debris from shoes keeps the carpet fibers bogged down. The sheer weight of heavy furniture is also enough to crush carpet fibers. There are a few simple remedies you can employ for matted or crushed carpet.

Things You'll Need

  • Steam iron
  • Spoon
  • Ice cubes
  • Towel
  • Carpet rake
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  1. Using an Iron

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      Move any furniture or other objects covering the matted down carpet. Run the vacuum through the area if there is a lot of dirt or debris.

    • 2

      Fill a steam iron with water and allow it to heat.

    • 3

      Scrape the carpet up with the edge of a spoon. Pull the spoon in the opposite direction from the way the carpet is lying down.

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      Place the iron 1/4 inch away from the matted down carpet. Push the trigger to steam the carpet. The steam will saturate the carpet with moisture, and the fibers will plump up. You can scrape with the spoon again once the carpet fibers have swollen.

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      Steam the matted area section by section until you have lifted all of the matted down area.

    Using Ice Cubes

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      Clean any dirt or debris from the matted down carpet.

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      Place several ice cubes on top of the matted down area. Walk away and let the ice cubes melt into the carpet.

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      Use a towel to brush the carpet fibers back and forth until they line up in their original position. The water from the ice cubes will make the fibers more pliable and easier to manipulate.