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Propylene Glycol Safety for Floor Finishes

Propylene glycol is familiar as an ingredient of anti-freeze agents used for motor vehicles. It's also an ingredient in paints and varnishes used for floor finishes. Propylene glycol determines the hardness of varnishes and enhances the ability of varnish to protect wood floors. When used according to manufacturer's directions, floor finishes containing propylene glycol do not pose a significant safety hazard.
  1. Propylene Glycol Methyl Ether Hazards

    • Propylene glycol methyl ether is used in manufacturing varnishes and paint used as floor finishes. Used in accordance with intended purpose and according to label directions, propylene glycol methyl ether poses no significant health or safety hazard in amounts less than 100 parts per million. At levels above 100 parts per million, the odor of propylene glycol methyl ether becomes a nuisance and can cause watering eyes, and nose and throat irritation. Propylene glycol methyl ether in concentrations of 1,000 parts per million can cause respiratory distress and drowsiness.

    Topical Hazards

    • Direct contact with propylene glycol can cause skin and eye irritation; using goggles, gloves and long sleeves when applying floor finishes prevents problems from splashing or dripping floor finishes containing propylene glycol. Flush skin or eyes with cold water; seek medical help if irritation persists.

    Respiratory Hazards

    • Fumes from floor finishes containing propylene glycol can cause respiratory distress. Always work in a ventilated area and follow all manufacturer instructions for preparing and applying floor finishes. Symptoms of respiratory toxicity for ethylene glycol include coughing, chest pains and/or difficulties with breathing. Seek immediate medical help if overexposure to propylene glycol fumes is suspected. Inhaling propylene glycol fumes intentionally is illegal and can cause damage to the throat, esophagus and lungs. Respiratory hazards occur when preparing and applying floor finishes containing propylene glycol; once the floor finish is completely dry, respiratory hazards cease to exist.

    Precautions for Floor Finishes Containing Propylene Glycol

    • Although chemically stable, propylene glycol is flammable. Avoid using ethylene glycol near flames or situations where sparks can occur. Don't smoke when preparing or applying floor finishes containing ethylene glycol. In cases of children or pets ingesting floor finishes containing propylene glycol, seek immediate medical or veterinary assistance. Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical professionals. Store unused floor finishes in covered containers out of reach of children. Components in propylene glycol methyl ether can break down and create additional hazards; dispose of unused product by its expiration date or according to manufacturer instructions.