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How to Fix Laminate Installed in a Floor That Is Not Level That Is Popping

One of the most important parts of installing laminate flooring is creating a level subfloor underneath it. If installers skip this step, the wood floor actually hovers above the subfloor instead of laying flush on top of it. The result is that the boards move when you walk on them, which causes a popping or creaking noise. Fixing the problem requires that you fill in the uneven gap under the laminate floorboards.

Things You'll Need

  • Masking tape
  • Drill
  • 1/16-inch drill bit
  • Safety glasses
  • Wood glue
  • Syringe
  • Paper towel
  • Damp sponge
  • Wax paper
  • Books or bricks
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      Locate all of the areas on the laminate floorboards that pop by walking over the floor slowly. When you reach an area that pops, tear off a small strip of masking tape and place it on the floorboard. Locate all of the pops at once before moving on.

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      Install a 1/16-inch drill bit into a power drill and don safety glasses. Place the bit on the laminate floorboard approximately ¼ inch from one side. Angle the bit at a 45-degree angle and squeeze the trigger until you feel the bit slide, which indicates you have punctured the cavity under the board.

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      Open a bottle of wood glue by removing the top so you can access the contents of the bottle. Insert a syringe into the bottle so the tip is submerged in the glue. Pull back on the syringe plunger to suck up at least 2 to 3 tablespoons of glue.

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      Remove the syringe from the glue and wipe the tip on a paper towel.

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      Insert the needle of the syringe into the hole you drilled and slowly press down on the plunger until you see glue ooze up out of the hole and the edges of the surrounding boards.

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      Remove the syringe from the hole and lightly wipe the surface of the laminate boards with a damp sponge to remove the excess glue.

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      Place a piece of wax paper over the repair site and set any heavy object, such as a stack of books or bricks, on top of the paper to hold the laminate boards down while they dry.