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How Long Do Mesh Screens Last on Floor Sanding?

Mesh screens have an open weave and an abrasive surface that removes finishes, scratches and other imperfections on wood floors the way sandpaper does. You can attach the screens to a floor-buffing machine to abrade wood floors. The longevity of mesh screens partly depends on the size of the floor you’re refinishing. However, cleaning the screens between uses helps them last longer.
  1. Function

    • Mesh screens are usually available in grits ranging from 60 to 180. Screens with lower grit numbers have a coarser texture. The screens can smooth a wood floor’s surface after using a coarse sandpaper to strip the finish off the floor. They also are used for a process known as screening. The process involves using mesh screens alone to abrade floors that have a few scratches but don’t need to be sanded down to the bare wood for refinishing.

    Screen Replacement

    • Some cleaning-supply companies estimate that mesh screens can abrade 200 to 400 square feet of wood flooring before they need to be replaced. The length of time a screen lasts depends on its use. For example, a screen used to remove a layer of floor finish will probably last longer than one used to smooth and level a slightly warped floor that has scratches and dings.

    Washing Screens

    • Unlike sandpaper, you can extend the life of a mesh screen by washing it in plain water after you use it. The open weave of the mesh makes it easy to wash away debris trapped in its crevices. A fresh abrasive surface is visible after a washed screen dries, but the surface won’t be as coarse as it was originally. Therefore, washed screens may be most useful for stages of a floor-refinishing project that require light sanding.


    • Save used mesh screens if you intend to apply several coats of a polyurethane finish to a wood floor. Manufacturers usually recommend sanding a floor after it dries before applying each new coat of polyurethane to make it adhere well. However, new screens or sandpapers may leave marks in the finish, even if they don't have a coarse grit. Using a used mesh screen to abrade a floor between applications of polyurethane reduces the risk of leaving marks in the final finish.