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How to Clean the Carpet in a Flooded Basement

A flood can wreak extensive damage on a house. One of the most serious safety issues is that sewage runoff can absorb into the infrastructure of a house, including the basement flooring. Carpets are especially vulnerable to such damage--they can sometimes be treated but only if taken care of within 24 hours of the damage. Otherwise, it is best to let the insurance company take care of the losses and not risk any sanitation issues in the future.


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      Decide whether to clean or replace. Replace the carpet if the carpet has any contact with sewage water. Also replace the carpet if it was submerged underwater for more than 24 hours. Replacement is necessary for health and sanitary reasons.

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      Remove the carpet. For carpet that is not glued or nailed down, take it outside. For heavy carpets, get saw horses or chairs to help prop it up so that the carpet can drain. After draining, the carpet may be light enough to be transported outside for further cleaning. Discard the sponge padding underneath the carpet--it cannot be cleaned.

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      Sanitize the carpet. Once the carpet it outside, lay it on a hard surface, such as concrete. Try to place it where it will get full exposure to the sun. Take a disinfecting cleaning solution and spray it all over the carpet. Work the disinfectants in with a broom. Wash off thoroughly with the hose.

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      Use a wet-dry vacuum to get rid of the water in the carpet. Then leave it in the sun to let it dry. It is important to dry thoroughly to avoid mildew. If you have to take the carpet inside, use a dehumidifier to absorb excess moisture. Have fans on to circulate air.

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      Before placing the carpet back onto the basement floor, make sure to clean the flooring of the room. Clean with detergent and bleach. Let it dry off completely before placing the carpet back onto the floor.