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Cladosporium and Eye Edema

Outdoor allergies can be triggered by pollens, dust and molds like cladosporium. If you experience eye edema and a runny nose, the cause could be cladosporium, especially if you live in a cooler climate.
  1. Cladosporium

    • Cladosporium is a fungal mold that releases airborne spores. It is an allergen that can settle onto your skin and into your eyes. It can also be inhaled.


    • An allergic reaction to cladosporium can trigger symptoms like itchy nose, nasal congestion and eye edema, or swollen eyes. The eyes could also appear red or irritated and might be prone to tears, according to "Clinical Allergy: Diagnosis and Management."


    • An antihistamine can treat the eye edema caused by allergies to cladosporium. A cool cloth laid over your eyes can help relieve swelling and any discomfort you experience, according to "Pediatric Allergy."