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How to Find Flood Zones in Lubbock, Texas

Flooding may concern both prospective and existing residents of Lubbock, Texas. New people and businesses wishing to acquire property and homes or buildings in Lubbock might want to know how frequently and severely areas of the city flood. This research might give them peace of mind but also provides important preliminary data for insurance purposes. People and businesses that already exist in Lubbock might wish to check to see if flood zone data has changed with recent changes in weather and climate patterns. Though your research mainly concerns Lubbock, you can uses resources on the city, county and national levels to help you find local flood zones.


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      Navigate to the City of Lubbock's "Storm Water Management" Web page. Click "FEMA Flood Zone Maps on the Web." Click the turquoise color links, such as "Flood Zone." Click "Make Printable Image."

    • 2

      Bring up Lubbock County's "Maps" Web page. The City of Lubbock is located in Lubbock County. Click "County Flood Zone Map." The flood zone map will download and open as a portable document format (PDF) file on the screen.

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      Go to the Federal Emergency Management Agency's "Map Service Center" Web page. Click the "Address" tab under the "Product Search By" section. Click the drop-down menu under "1) Select a Product." Choose "Flood Maps." Type in your street address, city and state. Click the "Search by Street Address" button.