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How to Tell If T1-11 Boards Are Rotted or Have Termites

T1-11 boards are mass-produced wooden boards often used as siding on residential homes (Reference 3). While durable and sturdy, these boards can still fall victim to wood rot and termite damage. The difference between these two types of damage changes how you approach the problem. A termite infestation requires fumigation or another form of extermination. Wood rot, on the other hand, requires some type of wood treatment to stop the advancement of the rot. Learn the symptoms of both rot and termite infestation to determine the correct remedial measures to take.


  1. Signs of dry rot

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      Feel the T1-11 boards for brittleness. Dry rot makes the wood extremely dry and brittle to the touch. Oftentimes, pieces of wood will crumble with a gentle touch.

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      Look for white, cotton-like fungus growing in and around the T1-11 boards. The appearance of this type of fungus indicates the early stages of dry rot.

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      Inspect the boards for mushroom-like growths. This indicates advanced-stage dry rot and fungal growth.

    Signs of wet rot

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      Feel the T1-11 boards for excessive moisture. Exposure and deterioration to excessive water causes wet rot and its damaging affects.

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      Look for dark spots on the boards. Wet rot can be isolated to small areas. As such, you must keep a close eye out for dark and damp spots. Even a small area of wet rot can cause bigger problems down the road.

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      Feel the wood for a spongy or brittle feel. Wood suffering from wet rot has a soft feel. The advance stages of wet rot causes brittleness and for the wood to break apart when handled.

    Signs of termite damage

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      Place your ear against the T1-11 boards and knock gently. Listen for a solid or hollow sound. A solid knock indicates healthy wood. A hollow knock indicates a possible termite infestation inside the boards.

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      Inspect the ground for dead termites. An abundance of dead termites or the sight of several living termites climbing over your T1-11 boards indicates some type of termite infestation and possible damage.

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      Feel the boards for brittleness. Termites continually eat away at the wood, compromising the structural integrity of the T1-11 boards.

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      Look for small holes in the boards. These holes are the points of entry for the termites. A small amount of sawdust often appears near these entrance holes as well.