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How to Know If Your Stucco Is a Good Job?

Stucco appears to be just be mud smoothed on a surface, but a lot of work goes into installing a stucco surface. A properly applied stucco exterior should look uniform, have minimal breaks across its surface and properly adhere to the wiring. Many signs that indicate poor workmanship can also be signs of other issues not directly related to the actual application of the stucco. A good stucco job can last up to 100 years.


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      Look for wide cracks in the stucco. Cracks in stucco can be caused by poor application, heat or settling. Hairline cracks are no wider than 1/32 inch and are usually caused by settling or differing stucco thickness. They are not usually an indication of poor stucco job. Wider cracks can be a sign of a bad stucco job, and are sometimes caused by the stucco drying too fast in hot weather or poor application. To prevent cracks for rapid drying, wet the stucco every two hours while applying in hot weather to prevent rapid drying.

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      Search for holes in the stucco. There should be no holes in the stucco; holes often appear when the stucco was not applied properly to the surface.

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      Look over the entire surface for any obvious bulges or patches of stucco that look out of place. Stucco is not typically applied to look even, but the unevenness should look uniform. A poor stucco job will allow specific patches of stucco to stand out dramatically against the rest.

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      Spot stucco pieces on the ground. Stucco should not break away and fall to the ground unless the house has been in an earthquake. Pieces of stucco that have broken away are a sign of poor workmanship and a sign that the stucco wasn't properly mixed or adhered to the surface.

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      Determine if the paint finish was applied properly. Before painting stucco, the moisture in the material must be allowed to evaporate; this will take 4 to 5 weeks. If paint was applied to the stucco right away, the material will absorb the paint and it could prevent it from curing properly.