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Safety of Top Handle Chainsaws

Chainsaws can help you do a number of chores fast and efficiently. However, they can also be extremely dangerous if you don't operate them properly. For this reason, you should learn about chainsaw safety before using a chainsaw and keep the tool away from children. Follow the specific manufacturer's safety instructions carefully as your top handle model might have different safety requirements.
  1. Protective Clothing

    • Wearing protective clothing is recommended when operating a chainsaw. Gloves can help prevent splinters and provide an additional layer of protection in case your hand hits the chain while it is spinning. Wear long sleeves, pants and work shoes for the same reason. Wear goggles to protect your eyes from shards of wood that might get into them. Wear a work hat if you are cutting a lot of heavy wood as it might protect your head from impact.

    Machine Safety

    • Make sure the machine is working properly before using it. Do this by looking at the teeth on the chain to make sure they are sharp and that the chain is tight on the chainsaw. A loose chain could cause serious injury. Don't tighten the chain too much as this can cause it to wear out prematurely or to snap.

    Starting the Machine

    • Starting the machine properly will prevent it from falling onto your feet or prevent you from losing balance and falling into the chainsaw. To start a top handle chainsaw, put the chainsaw on the ground or work space and hold it with one hand. Pull the starter rope with the other hand. Never attempt to start the machine while holding it in the air. Make sure you are balanced when you start the chainsaw.

    Using the Machine

    • Hold the machine handle with both hands when operating the chainsaw. Never push the chainsaw through the wood. Instead, apply light, steady pressure. The chainsaw might hit a knot as it is cutting which will make the chainsaw move slower. If you aren't aware of this and are pushing hard you might push yourself into the chain.