Home Garden

How to Get Rid of the Three Stages of Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are not only a nuisance, they can be dangerous because they can transmit diseases when they break through human skin to feed. If you have a mosquito population starting to form in your area, you should take action against it before it grows and spreads. Mosquitoes are drawn to water and three of their four life stages occur in water while the fourth requires water to lay eggs. Getting rid of mosquitoes in the last three stages of their life cycle requires proper treatment and diligence.

Things You'll Need

  • Lawnmower
  • Bug lights
  • Citronella candles
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Pesticide
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      Remove any standing water from around your home. Mosquitoes can lay thousands of eggs even in a small cup of water. Removing any standing water, even a puddle, helps eliminate a mosquito's breeding ground and places where most of its egg, larvae and pupae stages are carried out.

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      Apply a mosquito larvicide to areas where standing water cannot be completely eliminated. These chemicals are designed to kill mosquito larvae before they can mature into adults. They usually contain either a bacteria-produced toxin, bacillus thuringiensis israelensis, or the chemical methoprene. Follow all package instructions to prevent harm to plants, humans or animals. The bacillus thuringiensis israelensis may be less effective on pupae since the toxin needs to be ingested and mosquitoes don't eat in the pupa stage.

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      Add garlic oil to any standing water that can't be removed that is still showing signs of mosquito growth. The sulfur compounds contained in the oil are toxic to both larvae and pupae and should kill off any remaining mosquito life.

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      Spray mosquito repellent around your yard and use pesticide if mosquitoes continue to be a problem.