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How to Break Clay Tile Out of a Chimney

Some chimneys are equipped with clay tiles, which over time absorb enough rainwater to become brittle. In combination with the heat from burning fires and rising smoke, the clay tiles break down and begin to crack away from the chimney. Once this occurs, the clay tiles will fall onto the flue and into the firebox when the flue is opened. These clay tiles can be replaced but the old ones must first be removed.

Things You'll Need

  • Drop cloths
  • Gloves
  • Screw gun
  • Cold chisel
  • Hammer
  • Bucket
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    • 1

      Clear off the hearth on your fireplace and cover it with drop cloths. Open the flue and close the glass doors, if applicable. If your fireplace has no doors, pull the chain curtain closed or close the spark screen. This will help to contain falling clay pieces as well as dust and dirt.

    • 2

      Put on gloves and place a ladder against your house near the chimney. Put a screw gun, cold chisel and hammer into a bucket.

    • 3

      Climb the ladder carrying the bucket onto the roof with you. Walk over to the chimney and remove the top using the screw gun. Remove the screen by unfastening the mounting screws with the screw gun to gain access to inside the chimney.

    • 4

      Hold the cold chisel against the edge of the first row of clay tiles and tap the blunt end of the chisel with the hammer to begin breaking them away from the chimney wall. Do not hammer too hard or you might dislodge the chimney bricks.

    • 5

      Chisel away the clay tiles one by one, allowing the pieces to fall into the firebox below. Once all the clay tiles have been removed, clean out the firebox and dispose of the clay tile pieces.