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What Is Asphalt Oil Primer?

Many driveways and roads consist of an asphalt surface as opposed to concrete. Asphalt offers many long-term benefits, including strength for supporting many vehicles driving across it. However, asphalt can deteriorate from engine oil permeating the road or driveway surface. Asphalt oil primers offer an oil control process for preserving an asphalt substrate.
  1. Asphalt Features

    • Asphalt is a mixture of gravel, sand, stones and asphalt cement. Aside from its durability, asphalt offers a smooth final ground surface. The smooth surface contributes to vehicle fuel conservation as well as less harmful emissions exuded into the atmosphere. Although asphalt provides a smooth driving surface, tires easily grip the roadway for safer travels. Noise walls that flank concrete roadways are not necessary with asphalt roadways since asphalt is naturally quiet as a vehicle moves across it.

    Oil Primer Purpose

    • Asphalt oil primer does not remove or absorb oil from asphalt but seals it within its stained surface. Basic oil primers consist of an emulsion of concentrated latex. Typically, asphalt oil primer is applied to oil stains prior to sealing the roadway or driveway with pavement sealer. Combining the oil primer with a final sealer hides oil stains and prevents them from resurfacing through the sealed asphalt.

    Oil Primer Application

    • The asphalt surface must be cleaned thoroughly prior to oil primer application. Typically, a professional asphalt repair company uses specialized asphalt torches for burning the oil stains. Heating the oil stains removes any excess residue before applying the oil primer. After the stain cools, workers apply the oil primer to the individual stains with a spray gun, roller or brush. The asphalt surface can be covered with pavement sealer, effectively sealing and hiding the old oil stains once the oil primer dries completely.

    Oil Primer Benefit

    • Asphalt surfaces receiving sealer applications without priming the oil stains eventually have oil stains resurface. As the oil resurfaces, it cracks and damages the asphalt surface, generating a weak substrate. The asphalt will continue to weaken as the oil spreads throughout the surface, aggravated by vehicle movement and weight. Oil primers preserve the asphalt's composition, preventing weakening and contributing to longevity.


    • Asphalt oil primer works well on isolated oil stains. An extensively oil-damaged asphalt surface will still require asphalt patch removal and repaving. Consult a professional asphalt company for an individual evaluation of a particular road or driveway repair. Each oil stained surface is individual, requiring a trained eye for a proper repair quotation.