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Can I Use Parging Instead of Mortar Mix?

Parging is essentially plastering a masonry or stone surface with concrete to improve its appearance. Use mortar if you want to increase the structural soundness of a crumbling brick or block foundation or wall. Do not use a parging mix for applications that require mortar.
  1. Uses Compared

    • Parging mixes are used for aesthetic effects and to cover up surface imperfections on rough foundations or walls. Parging cement, sometimes called a sand mix, is made of Portland cement and sand. Parging is for aesthetic purposes that you can skip. Mortar is formulated to bear weight. It is used between brick, concrete block or stone in numerous types of masonry. Building codes often require you to add mortar to weak or deteriorating foundations.

    Parging Ingredients

    • Parging is essentially stucco, a type of concrete that sticks to a surface. You can buy commercial parging mix to which you simply add water or you can make your own. A common parging mixture is ¼ part lime to 1 part cement and 3 parts sand.

    Mortar Ingredients

    • The Brick Institute of America recognizes three types of mortar. To make Type M mortar used for walls that bear heavy loads, add 1 part lime and 3 parts Portland cement to 12 parts sand. To make Type S mortar that is flexible enough to withstand high winds, shifting soil or earthquakes, mix 1 part lime to 2 parts Portland cement and 9 parts sand. To make Type O mortar for walls that do not bear weight, mix 2 parts lime and 1 part Portland cement to 9 parts sand.


    • Before parging, clean your foundation or wall and moisten it with water. Add water to make a mix that’s sticky enough to apply to a vertical surface without sliding down. Trowel it on thinly to give a smooth appearance, or use your trowel to give it swirls and other special effects. If you apply parge on a hot day, spray or moisten it occasionally to prevent it from drying too quickly. Periodically moisten the parging for seven to 10 days to help it cure. Apply mortar between blocks, bricks and stones of crumbling or weakened foundations or walls. Mortar is formulated to cure without special attention.