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How to Eliminate Mud in a Run-in Shed

Prevention is the best medicine when it comes to preserving your animals' health. Although a run-in shed is a practical addition for any animal owner, its effectiveness is dramatically compromised if mud is present. A buildup of mud creates an unsafe environment for animals, which can result in thrush, joint and hoof problems. Keeping the mud out is not a difficult project but one that requires some time and comfort with working on a ladder.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Length of plastic gutter
  • Ladder
  • Power drill
  • Nails
  • Hammer
  • Gutter end cap
  • Gutter joint
  • Gutter downspout
  • Flat-bladed shovel
  • 3/4-inch crushed gravel
  • Hand tamper
  • Fill dirt
  • Wood shavings
  • Rake
  • Manure fork
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  1. Gutter Installation

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      Measure the distance across the front of the run-in shelter. Purchase a length of plastic gutter to fit the shelter, according to the measurement taken.

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      Make a hole every 12 inches down one side on the top rim of the gutter with a drill. These will be holes for nailing in the gutters.

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      Use caution when working on a ladder.

      Set a ladder up in front of the shed. Place the section of gutter on the front of the shed, directly below the roof overhang. Use nails and a hammer to attach the gutter to the shed, nailing through the pre-made holes in the gutter.

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      Gutters are designed to direct water away from buildings.

      Snap a gutter end cap on one end of the gutter section. Snap a downspout onto the other end with a gutter joint. This will direct the runoff from the roof down and away from the shed.


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      Use a flat-bladed shovel to scoop out the top layer of mud inside and around the shed. Dispose of it in a location away from the shed.

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      Crushed gravel promotes water drainage.

      Place a 6-inch layer of crushed gravel on top of the area where you removed the mud. Use a hand tamper to pack down the gravel and create a level surface. The gravel helps with water drainage and will prevent water from pooling inside and around the shed.

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      Spread a 1-inch layer of fill dirt on top of the gravel layer. This will make the gravel comfortable for the animals.

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      Spread a layer of wood shavings inside the shed. Rake the shavings around, adding enough to form a 6-inch layer. The wood chips will provide a layer of cushioning for the animals that use the shed and will soak up urine and excess water.

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      Keep the shelter manure-free for best results.

      Use a manure fork to clean out animal dung from the shed at least twice weekly. This will prevent mud from forming on top of the wood shavings.