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How to Restore an Old House With a Stucco Exterior

Restoring an old house with a stucco exterior enhances its curb appeal. Exposed to the elements, sections of this lime- or cement-based plaster can crack over time, requiring immediate attention to keep the problem from growing. Instead of hiring a contractor, repair old or cracked exterior stucco yourself to save on costs.

Things You'll Need

  • Safety glasses
  • Hammer
  • Wire cutters
  • Tape measure
  • Builder’s paper, Grade D
  • Utility knife
  • Hammer
  • Roofing nails
  • Metal mesh lath
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Cement
  • Shovel
  • Hydrated lime
  • Hoe
  • Mason’s sand
  • Acrylic bonding agent
  • Spray bottle
  • Brick trowel
  • Plastic
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Concrete paint
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    • 1

      Break off loose or unfastened stucco from the exterior wall with a hammer to reveal the wood lath or wooden substrate underneath. Snip off any exposed metal mesh while removing the stucco.

    • 2

      Measure and cut two pieces of builder’s paper to fit the exposed area. Dry fit one paper in the opening and trim excess around its edges with a utility knife. Use this paper as a template to cut the second piece paper.

    • 3

      Position the paper over the lath. Drive roofing nails into the edges of the paper to secure it to the wood lath. Set the second paper directly over the first and repeat the process of fastening it.

    • 4

      Spread a sheet of metal mesh lath over the sheets of paper. Trim the metal lath tight against the stucco using wire cutters. Hammer roofing nails through the mesh and into the wood lath.

    • 5

      Add one-half bag of cement into a wheelbarrow and mix in a shovelful of hydrated lime. Stir the mixture with a hoe before adding six shovelfuls of damp mason’s sand. Pour a half cup bonding agent to the ingredients, and add a little water until it reaches a workable consistency. Use this batch of stucco within an hour.

    • 6

      Mist the edges of the old stucco with water. Scoop small amounts of the stucco with a brick trowel and apply them over the mesh until it is completely covered. Smooth the surface of the repair stucco. Continue to pack more stucco until it falls one-half inch below the surrounding stucco surface.

    • 7

      Let the stucco dry for a day. When it loses its wet sheen, score its surface with the tip of a trowel so the second coat adheres to it better. Tape a sheet of plastic over the repair patch to keep it from drying too quickly. Let the patch dry for seven days before mixing another batch of stucco.

    • 8

      Remove the plastic and apply another coat of fresh stucco over the patch, working from the bottom upward. Smooth its surface and score it before covering it with plastic for three days.

    • 9

      Mix another batch of stucco. Add to it alkaline-tolerant concrete paint so it matches the surrounding stucco’s color. Remove the plastic from the repair patch on the wall, mist the wall with water and apply the final coat of stucco. Ensure the edges of the repair stucco are flush with the surrounding stucco.