Home Garden

How to Kill a Rat or a Mouse in a Ceiling

Rodents are sometimes unwelcome visitors in living accommodations. They move in to take advantage of a steady supply of food and water, but these freeloaders can cause of thousands of dollars in damage to homes each year. They scurry, swim, climb, and can often be heard moving about. Mice and rats in the ceiling are a precursor to other animals finding a way into and inhabiting your attic. Raccoons and squirrels are frequent visitors who feed on mice; once the mice are gone, they continue eating the rat's food supply.

Things You'll Need

  • Several snap traps
  • Bait (such as cheese squares or chunks of fruit)
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  1. Getting Rid of Mice or Rats

    • 1

      Set the snap traps by securing the metal wire with the locking mechanism.

    • 2

      Place the traps in the attic.

    • 3

      Place the bait on the bait platform for the mouse.

    • 4

      Check the traps and empty daily.

    • 5

      Wrap the carcasses in newspaper and place them in a tightly sealed trash can.

    • 6

      Reset the traps as described in steps 1 through 5 until the rats and mice are gone.