Home Garden

DIY Vinyl on the Ceiling of a Garage

When redoing your garage or simply trying to place vinyl on the ceiling, this small change can enhance the entire look of the garage. You want to use vinyl that wears well and is easy to install. Placing vinyl on your garage ceiling also will act as a great insulator
  1. Redoing Garage Ceiling with Vinyl

    • Vinyl is a great product that offers many colors and comes in many sizes. Vinyl is a type of plastic made from Ethylene and salt. The quality of vinyl varies as well with high quality vinyl being hard to clean with a rough surface, and high quality vinyl is usually very smooth and soft.

      Vinyl is a excellent choice for a garage ceiling due to it being strong, durable and resistant to moisture and humidity. Because of the way that vinyl is manufactured, it is relatively cheap to purchase and comes in a variety of colors.

      Before you start your project you want to make sure that you dust the beams and ceiling of your garage. You want to remove any spiders, dust or other substances that seem to be attracted to garage ceilings.

      Putting up the vinyl is a two-person job so be sure not to go this one alone. You will need an extra set of hands to hold and pull the vinyl.

      You want to make sure that you measure the entire width and length of the garage ceiling, and purchase an extra yard of vinyl in the event that a mistake is made. It is worth the few extra dollars to buy the high-quality vinyl. You will also want to purchase a thick-gauge vinyl for your garage ceiling.

      When installing the vinyl, you will need two ladders. Start the project in the far corner of the garage and go around the outside first and work your way towards the center of the garage. One person will hold the vinyl on the beams while the other person uses a staple gun to secure the vinyl in place.

      It is important that while the two people are holding the vinyl that they gently stretch the product. Go in a circular motion around the garage ceiling and be sure to keep the vinyl straight and smooth out any wrinkles that should occur.