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Repairing a Bad Textured Ceiling

A textured ceiling, in most cases, is actually a basic plaster ceiling covered with textured paint (that is, paint with sand or other solids in it). If a section of the ceiling is damaged, you'll need to first repair the plaster and then re-apply textured paint over it. Take a sample chip of the texture from the ceiling to your local paint supplier so they can get you the closest match.

Things You'll Need

  • Stepladder
  • Drywall knife
  • Drywall plaster
  • Drywall sander
  • Base primer
  • Painting roller
  • Textured paint to match the rest of the ceiling
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      Lay tarps on the floor below the damaged ceiling. Set up your ladder.

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      Scrape the damaged area with your drywall knife, knocking down all loose plaster and textured paint. You should be left with just solid plaster around the indented area of missing plaster, with exposed lath. Scrap the surface around the damaged area, knocking off the textured paint for a few inches all around.

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      Press plaster into the damaged area, onto the lath, in a layer about ½ inch thick. Don't try to bring the damaged area out even with the ceiling, but get a solid covering of plaster over the lath. Let it set for eight hours.

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      Spread more plaster over the first layer, adding another ½ inch or so. Let it dry. Add another layer. Continue until you have built the damaged area out to the level of the surrounding plaster.

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      Sand the plaster smooth with a drywall sander. Coat it with base primer, using a paint roller.

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      Paint the whole repaired section with textured paint, using your roller.