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DIY Joint Compound for Ceiling Texture

While you can buy pre-made buckets of ceiling texturing material, you can also mix your own by using joint compound as the base ingredient. The benefit to mixing your own is that you can mix as much or as little as you need at the time, and can easily adjust the consistency of the mix to suit the style of texture you're applying. There are a number of textures you can create, including knockdowns, swirls and acoustic.

Things You'll Need

  • Joint compound
  • 4-inch putty knife
  • Water
  • Mud masher
  • Power drill
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  1. Mixing by Hand

    • 1

      Open the bucket of joint compound and use the putty knife to remove a few scoops of compound. Save this compound and set it aside, because you may need it later.

    • 2

      Add enough water to fill the void in the compound.

    • 3

      Insert the mud masher into the compound and raise and lower it to work in the water. It's important to hit all areas of the compound and thoroughly mix it. This is a fairly good workout for your arms, so take a break as necessary.

    • 4

      Pull the mud masher out of the compound, and check the mixture's consistency. While it's not an exact science, it should resemble thick paint or runny pancake batter. If the mixture is too thick, add more water and continue mixing it. If it's too thin, take some of the joint compound you reserved on the side and mix it in.

    MIxing with a Power Drill

    • 5

      Connect the paddle mixer to the power drill and plug in the drill.

    • 6

      Remove a few scoops of joint compound from the bucket, then fill the hole with water.

    • 7

      Place the paddle mixer into bucket and turn it on to the lowest setting. Move the paddle mixer back and forth in the bucket to thoroughly mix it.

    • 8

      Pull the paddle mixer out of the bucket and check the consistency of the joint compound that is dripping off the mixer. Add water to the mixture if it's too thick, and add joint compound if it's too thin, then continue mixing.