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How to Fix Cracked Plaster Ceilings With Washers

Favored for their versatility and pliability, plaster ceilings are common in homes built before 1950. Plaster ceilings are constructed from a combination of sand, water and Portland cement layered over wooden boards, or laths, which are nailed to ceilings. Although plaster ceilings are sturdy, seasonal expansion and contraction causes plaster embedded between the boards to crack. Regular movement of lath boards and plaster may ultimately cause ceilings to loosen from the lath boards and collapse. While cracks on structurally sound ceilings are repairable, cracked plaster already detached from lath boards requires complete replacement. Promptly fix cracked plaster ceilings with washers to help secure the cracked plaster to the lath boards.

Things You'll Need

  • Drop cloths
  • Safety goggles
  • Stepladder
  • Drywall screws
  • Plaster washers
  • Power drill
  • Joint compound
  • Mixing board
  • Trowel
  • Screening wire
  • 100-grit sandpaper
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    • 1

      Empty the room of all furniture. Cover the floor with drop cloths.

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      Put on safety goggles to shield your eyes from falling plaster fragments. Access the cracked plaster ceiling from a stepladder.

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      Poke several drywall screws thorough several plaster washers. Screw a drywall screw up thorough the cracked plaster into the wood lath using a power drill. The plaster washer will help hold the plaster ceiling in place. If you have trouble hitting the wood lath, keep removing the screw and screwing it in again until you finally hit the lath.

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      Continue screwing the remaining drywall screws into the plaster, working along the crack. Position the screws so that the washers are spaced about 1 inch apart.

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      Scoop joint compound onto a mixing board using a trowel. Spread the compound 1/8 inch thick over the plaster washer heads and entire crack using the trowel.

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      Press screening wire into the joint compound for added support. Skim the trowel over the wire to fully embed the wire in the compound.

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      Allow the patched plaster ceiling to dry for 24 hours.

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      Rub any high areas of joint compound with 100-grit sandpaper to level them with the surrounding ceiling.

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      Fill any low patches of the joint compound with more joint compound using the trowel. Let the ceiling dry for 24 hours.

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      Sand the entire joint compound bed with the sandpaper until the compound is flush with the surrounding ceiling.