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Tips for Hand-Held Plasma Cutting

A handheld plasma cutting machine is a powerful tool that is relatively straightforward to operate. The Miller Weld website explains that handheld plasma cutting machines are used by fabricators, contractors, maintenance personnel, and artists. The plasma arc cuts through metal by melting it with highly intensified electric gas. Although the general use of the handheld plasma cutting machines is relatively simple, there are numerous aspects to consider before using one of the machines.
  1. Selecting the Correct Plasma Cutting Machine

    • In order to select the correct handheld plasma cutting ,an individual should analyze the normal and maximum thickness of the metal that will be cut. The Miller Weld website explains that the machine size is determined by the specific amperage and voltage capabilities that it possesses. All handheld plasma cutting machines use high voltage and low amperage. When selecting a machine, the voltage must be high enough to emit the correct amount of power for the work that it must complete.

    The Various Gases Available for Plasma Cutting

    • Although all handheld plasma cutting machines are used to cut steel and metal, certain gases perform various tasks more efficiently than others. The Centricut website explains the differences between the four gas options. Air is the most versatile gas and works well for mild aluminum or stainless steel. Oxygen is the industry standard for cutting carbon steel because it cuts with the best quality considering its cutting rate. Nitrogen has a consistent cutting speed that is powerful and it also lengthens the life of the machine's parts. The final gas option is argon hydrogen. It is the best selection for cutting thick metal and steel because it is the hottest gas with the highest cutting capacity. Knowing the difference between the gases will increase the success of the plasma cutting machine that is being used.

    Plasma Cutting Safety

    • One of the most important aspects of using a handheld plasma cutting machine is safety. Although the operation of the machine is relatively simple, the power of the machine and the level of voltage that it contains require that safety is a top priority. Fireproof gloves and a face shield must be worn at all times. All plasma cutting machines are potential fire hazards because they blow hot metal and sparks, so flame-resistant clothing should always be worn. Any flammable material should be a minimum of 35 feet away from the machine while it is being operated. Most important, plasma cutting machines contain a potentially lethal voltage reserve. If any live electrical parts are touched, fatal shocks or severe burns will occur. Although the handheld plasma cutting machine is simple to operate, certain mistakes can be deadly.