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Drill Bit Sharpening Technique

Screwing a nail with a screwdriver into metal or wood can take an awful long time and a lot of muscle strength. Drill bits are sharp metal tools that come in a variety of thicknesses that attach to a power drill and push into the metal or wood, allowing for an easier way to insert screws into a structure. Drill bits can become dull after long use and for continuing effectiveness require sharpening. One way of doing this is to purchase a bench grinder which employs a rapidly spinning wheel to sharpen tools. This method may be dangerous and should only be attempted by experienced metalworkers. A safer alternative is to use a drill bit sharpener.

Things You'll Need

  • Drill bits
  • Pliers
  • Goggles
  • Bench grinder or drill bit sharpener
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  1. Bench Grinder Technique

    • 1

      Put on safety goggles.

    • 2

      Turn on the bench grinder and set it to a medium speed level. Stay at arm's length from the machine once it begins to grind.

    • 3

      Use pliers to hold the smooth bottom part of the drill bit. You will be sharpening the top part.

    • 4

      Lightly press the top cutting edge of the drill bit parallel to the spinning wheel using a downward clockwise motion, and remove it after one second.

    • 5

      Wait a few seconds and grind again. The grinding should be done in intervals, separated by a few seconds each time, to avoid overheating the metal.

    • 6

      Stop using the bench grinder when the drill bit looks visibly sharpened.

    Drill Bit Sharpener

    • 7

      Adjust the insert (hole) on the drill bit sharpener to fit your drill bit.

    • 8

      Put on your safety goggles.

    • 9

      Turn on the drill bit sharpener.

    • 10

      Press the drill bit into the insert. In a second or two the drill bit will be sharpened.