Home Garden

How to Make Risers

If you have a home theater, one of the most important elements is comfortable seating. Many people concentrate on the equipment and acoustic design, and forget about designing the viewing area. You simply aren't going to enjoy a movie that much if you're sitting on a folding chair, trying to peer around the person in front of you. In order to re-create a theater-like experience in your home, you will need to build a riser for the second and third row of seats.

Things You'll Need

  • 22 8-foot-long 2-inch by 6-inch studs
  • Measuring stick
  • Circular saw
  • Drill with Philips head bit
  • 3-inch screws
  • 2 sheets of 1-inch plywood
  • 2-inch nails
  • Hammer
  • 3 yards of carpet
  • Staple gun
  • Carpet glue
  • Trowel
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    • 1

      Measure and cut nine 2-inch by 6-inch studs to 70.5-inch lengths using a circular saw.

    • 2

      Line up two uncut 2-inch by 6-inch studs parallel to each other and approximately six feet apart. Arrange the 6-foot studs perpendicularly in between the long studs at 1-foot intervals. Arrange the outside studs to meet at the corners.

    • 3

      Screw the studs on the outside together forming a 6-foot by 8-foot box using the drill. Attach the other seven studs to the outer frame.

    • 4

      Cut nine 2-inch by 6-inch studs to 58.5-inch lengths.

    • 5

      Set two uncut 2-inch by 6-inch studs parallel to each other, and approximately five feet apart on the floor. Arrange the shorter studs one foot apart, perpendicularly, between the two longer studs.

    • 6

      Arrange the outside studs to meet at the corners. Screw the outer studs together, forming a box. Secure the rest of the studs with screws.

    • 7

      Place the smaller platform on top of the larger platform aligning the long back edges. Screw the two platforms together.

    • 8

      Measure and cut the 1-inch plywood to cover the top platform and the step. Nail plywood to the top of platform in the step.

    • 9

      Cut the carpet to fit the top platform, down the riser, across the step and down to the floor.

    • 10

      Secure the carpet by stapling near the bottom of the bottom step. Apply glue to the top of the first step and on both risers by troweling it on. Slightly stretch the carpet as you press it into the top of the step.

    • 11

      Continue to trowel on glue across the top of the platform, while stretching the carpet over the back of the platform. Staple the carpet tightly in place all along the edges.