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Remedy for Old Drawers That Stick

Sticky drawers often occur in older houses and on well-used furniture. The causes can vary and will also depend on the type of drawer. The effort to open the drawers can dislodge the contents and is also hard on the construction of the drawer. Getting the drawer moving smoothly is usually a quick and fairly easy fix. The problem usually rests with the gliders on the underside of the drawer.
  1. Common Causes

    • If the drawer is not working well, the problem could just be that it is overstuffed. Try removing the contents to see if it is still moving roughly. You could also have something on the rails or gliders at the bottom of the container. Swelling in wood causes sticking in moving parts and is the result of too much humidity and untreated wood. Some drawers just glide along wooden rails while others have sophisticated metal grooves and wheels. Either way, sometimes a part breaks and the whole operation gets fouled up.

    Easy Fixes

    • Grandma always used wax, and it still works on many drawers. You need to empty the drawer, and use it on the wooden rails on the bottom and the track area inside the unit. Buildup on the rails and track are responsible for much of the sticking. You can clean the metal ones, and spray some lubricant to facilitate movement. A little sandpaper applied to the wooden gliders on the underside of the drawer will clean off the dirt and scratches that may be causing the drawer to drag and stick.

    More Involved Fixes

    • The tracks in the unit may come off or the nails or screws may start pulling out, which will grind the operation to a halt; but if you reaffix the items, the drawer will pull smoothly. The wooden rails on the bottom of a drawer can break or come off. These are just slim pieces of 1/2- to 1-inch wood that is easy to replace. New metal tracks and wheels can be purchased at most big box stores and installed. If the drawer is simply falling apart, you will need wood glue and vices to put it back into shape. You can also use small screws to screw the corners back together.

    Stay Organized

    • A good way to prevent drawer damage is to limit the amount of stuff you put in the drawer. Overloaded storage can lead to damage. Drawer organizers can help limit the amount of junk you place in the drawer by giving everything a place. It also helps prevent things from falling out onto the tracks. Once a year, go through the contents of the drawer and maintain the rails to prevent the buildup of grease or debris that can cause sticking.