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How to Mount a Portable Table Saw

Portable table saws require mounting to avoid tipping. Tipping can create an unsafe work environment. If you want your portable table saw to have a permanent home, fasten it to a workbench. Mounting the saw to a good-grade piece of plywood is an alternate mounting method. The plywood allows for stability and portability.

Things You'll Need

  • Workbench or 24-inch-by-24-inch sheet of plywood, 3/4-inch thick
  • Screws or bolts, washers, nuts and clamps, respectively
  • Drill and bits
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  1. Workbench

    • 1

      Mark where you want to locate the saw. Check for clearances by dry-running typical lumber through the saw. Check for a comfortable working stance.

    • 2

      Drill four holes through the workbench. Saws typically use 5/16-inch screws, so 3/8-inch holes will work.

    • 3

      Place the saw on the workbench and insert the screws. Tighten.


    • 4

      Mark where you want to locate the saw on the sheet of plywood. The center is best.

    • 5

      Drill holes in the board and countersink. Fasten the saw to the plywood by attaching bolts, washers and nuts.

    • 6

      Clamp the board to the work surface. Check for clearances by dry-running typical lumber through the saw. Check for a comfortable working stance.