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How to Remove Knives From a Butcher Block

Little can be more of a nuisance in the kitchen than having a knife stuck in your butcher block. There are several methods you can try to remove a stuck knife from your butcher block before bringing out the chain saw or TNT.

Things You'll Need

  • Flathead screw driver
  • Work gloves
  • Saw
  • Safety goggles
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  1. Instructions

    • 1

      Hold the knife handle tightly with one hand while holding the butcher block down with the other. Position the hand holding down the block at a reasonably safe distance away from the knife. Gently move the knife from side to side to attempt freeing it from its base. You may choose to hold the knife from the spine to get more friction between the knife and the block, thus creating a bigger wedge between the two. Holding it from the spine may also prevent separation of the handle from the knife. If you choose to hold the knife from the spine exercise caution and remember to wear work gloves when doing this kind of work.

    • 2

      Pry the knife out of block using a flathead screwdriver if you are unable to manually remove it. Take the screwdriver and wedge it between one side of the knife and the butcher block. Continue wedging the screwdriver deeper into the block my moving it side to side. You may need to alternate sides of the block you are wedging the screwdriver in, so as to free the knife more quickly.

    • 3

      Saw the butcher block from the area opposite the knife toward it. Stop sawing once you are about 1 inch to 1 1/2 inches from the knife. You should be able to easily break the block in half and extract the knife. This method will cause the most damage to the butcher block in comparison to the alternative methods.