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How to Patch Chimney Grout

Chimneys and fireplaces that are constructed from brick are fashioned together with what may be referred to as grout. This is actually mortar, which is a form of concrete or a mixture of cement and fine sand. Because chimneys are exposed to the weather on a 24-hour basis for years and years, the grout or mortar may become brittle and chip away. When this occurs, the chimney may begin to fall apart, and patching the mortar becomes necessary.

Things You'll Need

  • Jug or pitcher
  • Masonry sand
  • Bucket
  • Portland cement
  • Trowel
  • Ladder
  • Masonry brush
  • Concrete bonding agent
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      Fill a jug with plain water. You can use an empty gallon jug or even a pitcher.

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      Pour four parts masonry sand into a bucket then add one part Portland cement. Mix the two together with a trowel.

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      Moisten the masonry sand and Portland cement by pouring water into the bucket. Stir and mix it thoroughly with the trowel, forming a batter-like consistency.

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      Place a ladder against the side of the house near the chimney. Put a masonry brush in your back pocket. Put the trowel in the bucket, grab the bucket of mortar and a bottle of concrete bonding agent and climb onto the roof.

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      Approach the chimney and sweep off the chipped grout pieces with the masonry brush.

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      Squeeze concrete bonding agent into the crevice where the grout fell out then quickly fill in the crevice with the wet mortar and the trowel. Smooth the mortar with the trowel and scrape away any excess.

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      Collect your tools and materials and climb down the ladder. Leave the mortar to dry for 24 hours, after patching the crevice, before using the fireplace.