Home Garden

Roach Problems & Wood Paneling

Many homeowners view roaches as fearsome-looking insects and a source of disease due to the roaches' eating habits. Roaches are evasive, since they are able to hide in dark places, including behind wood paneling and walls. Some styles of wood paneling have wide enough cracks for roaches to sneak within a building's walls. Maintaining and cleaning your house goes a long way in eliminating roaches. Also, hardware and grocery stores sell roach pesticides and traps.
  1. Indoor Species

    • German and brown-banded are the two most common indoor roach species in the United States, according to the University of California's Integrated Pest Management Program. Both roach species grow up to 1/2-inch long when mature. German roaches are brown and brown-banded males have a golden color; female brown-banded roaches are dark brown. Male and female German roaches bear a similar coloration. Both roach species develop wings when they are adults. Brown-banded roaches are more likely to be seen behind wooden paneled walls in warm areas, while German roaches live in kitchens and storage areas.


    • Roaches may cause diseases as a result of their scavenging habits. These insects dine on spoiled food and become transmitters of bacterial organisms from the food. While the roaches themselves are not affected, the bacteria remains in their intestines until they release their feces on items such as silverware, plates and clothes. According to the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, a common disease spread by roaches is salmonella, which results in food poisoning. Asthma and allergies occur when people breathe in dust or particles of infected roach feces.

    Wood Paneling

    • According to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension, when roaches retreat behind wood paneling and walls if they detect aerosol insecticides. Also, living within walls provides roaches with the darkness they prefer. However, most roaches need to be near a water source, which is not abundant behind walls. The most likely roach to see behind wood paneling and walls are brown-banded, since they only require a minimal amount of water for survival.

    Roach Prevention

    • Killing roaches with aerosol insecticides usually proves fruitless, but other methods are available to homeowners eager to rid themselves of these six-legged pests. Prevent entryways for roaches within your home. Do this by caulking or repairing holes near water pipes and placing screens over windows, vents and air ducts. Also, repair any holes or cracks found in your walls and wood paneling. Regularly dispose of your garbage and remove any food crumbs from your floor; this limits the amount of food a roach eats. Some pesticides, such as roach bait and boric acid, are effective in eliminating roaches.