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How to Block Sunlight From Arch Windows

Arched windows are architectural features designed to create a beautiful exterior while allowing lots of natural light into a room. Unfortunately, for those who prefer a little less natural light, these windows can be difficult to cover with traditional window treatments. Window film allows you to maximize the architectural appeal while blocking excess light from entering the room.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Cardboard
  • Window film
  • Scissors or utility knife
  • Squeegee
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    • 1

      Measure the arched window. Get both the height and width measurements for your windows, including the measurements from the arched top section. This will help you decide how much window film you will need to purchase.

    • 2

      Create a template out of cardboard with the size and shape of the window. This will make cutting the window film to fit much easier. You can either draw the window on the cardboard from your measurements, or trace it on.

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      Select a mostly opaque window film. To block out the most amount of light, choose a window film that is dark in color and nearly opaque. A window film designed to look like stained glass works well and supplies a nice, soft array of color inside.

    • 4

      Cut the film to fit your arched window. Lay your cardboard template over the window film and trim the film to fit. You can either use scissors or a utility knife. A utility knife will help you get a cleaner edge.

    • 5

      Clean the glass window, then apply the window film. Most window film is either self adhesive; it either clings or it has an adhesive backing. Otherwise, you may need to apply clear glue to the window before applying the film. Center the film and begin pressing it onto the window, starting in the top corner. Work slowly and press out any bubbles that may appear. Go over the entire surface with a squeegee when you are done to make sure it will stay in place and to smooth out any potential wrinkles or bubbles.