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How to Paint a Zebra Pattern on a Wall

Painting a zebra striped wall is not as simple as alternating black and white lines. If you study a zebra's pattern, it's actually quite curvaceous and unpredictable. If you want to paint one wall --- a "focal wall" with a zebra-body pattern, or an entire room, creating a re-usable stencil is the best way to start.

Things You'll Need

  • Rubber or plastic stencil or stencil material
  • Adhesive
  • Primer paint
  • Wide paint brush
  • Stiff, detail paint brush
  • White paint
  • Black paint
  • Assorted brightly colored paints (optional)
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      Purchase or create a zebra pattern stencil. If you want to buy stencils, visit a hobby, art or graphic store for zebra pattern stencils. Or, print a stencil pattern from the Internet and enlarge it at a copy center, depending on the size and thickness you want the zebra print to be.

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      To create a stencil, cut out a few large strips of plastic or rubber. Study zebra stripe patterns for inspiration first. Choose the size and width you want for the stripes. Create one straighter strip, one very curvy one and a slightly curved stripe.

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      Paint on a primer. Apply a quality primer to cover the existing wall color or paint that you have already stripped. Coat the wall or walls with up to three layers, depending on the condition of the walls. If the wall has cracks or dents, paint more primer layers. Allow the paint to dry overnight.

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      Cover the entire wall in non-primer white paint. Let the paint dry completely, around 24 hours or more.

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      Pin a zebra stripe stencil to the wall. Stick it on with adhesive. This acts as the black stripe between white stripes (or whichever way you believe zebra stripes are laid out on the zebra).

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      Outline the stripe in pencil. Mark the pencil lightly so it does not show up after painting. Using a small or large paint brush, fill in the zebra stripe with black (or whatever color scheme you choose). Gently peel the stencil from the wall. Allow the first painted stripe to dry, about an hour or more.

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      Line up the next stencil. Make sure you leave a space, however wide you wish, between the stencils, showing the space between stripes. Tape or pin the stencil in place. Repeat step 5. Continue laying down the stripes, interchanging different stripe shapes as you go. Fill part or all the wall with stripes until you are satisfied with your design.