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How to Make a Fake Bear Rug

Are you wondering what to do with the gigantic stuffed bear Aunt Gertrude gave your infant? Are you tired of tripping over it time after time? Create a quirky fake bear rug for your baby to cuddle and play on, or as a whimsical addition to a small child's room. Nap time will be fun when your children lay their heads on the bear head and snuggle in the softness of the fur. As your child grows, drape the fake bear rug over the bedspread for a wrapped-in-comfort place to read.

Things You'll Need

  • Stuffed bear (preferably one with a head the size of a soccer ball)
  • Matching fake fur 30" x 50"
  • Carpet thread
  • Ribbon
  • Craft glue
  • Scissors
  • Plate
  • Pen
  • Hand-sewing needle
  • Pins
  • Yardstick
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    • 1

      Place the fake fur on a flat surface with the fur side down.

    • 2

      Position the plate on the backing in one corner of the fake fur. Draw around it. Repeat for the other three corners of the fake fur.

    • 3

      Make a mark at the halfway point on each edge of the fake fur. Measure 5" in from each edge at these marks.

    • 4

      Following the curves at the corners to the 5" marks in between, sketch a line around the fake fur backing. This will give the appearance of a bearskin body with the paws at the corners.

    • 5

      Cut the backing along the drawn lines. Cut only the backing, not the fur. You will not need to hem the edges of the fake bear rug, as the fur will camouflage the cut edge and will not fray.

    • 6

      Cut the head off the stuffed bear, 1" below the neck seam. Choose a bear with fluffy stuffing; the pellet stuffing can be quite messy.

    • 7

      Turn the fake bear rug right-side up. Position the head in the center of one short side, facing outward.

    • 8

      Turn the cut edge of the bear's neck under 1/4" and pin in place.

    • 9

      Hand-stitch the head securely to the fake bear rug using the carpet thread. Carefully check that all pins have been removed. Dab a bit of glue over the beginning and ending knots to prevent the thread from coming undone.

    • 10

      Tie the ribbon into a bow around the bear's neck.