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How to Make a Rag Rug with Fringe

In the spirit of "waste not, want not," you can make a rag rug with fringe that is both colorful and soft under your bare feet. Recycle old clothes and jeans into tbright rug that can be completed in only a few nights. Color coordinate or use a mixture of fabric for this rag rug with fringe. To make a rag rug with fringe, you should be familiar with basic crochet stitches.

Things You'll Need

  • Size Q crochet hook
  • Sewing machine or needle and thread
  • Old clothes, jeans and bed linen
  • Sewing scissors
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    • 1

      Gather old clothes and linens. Remove buttons and any zippers. Tear items into 1 1/2-inch-wide strips in whatever lengths you can salvage. Cut blue jean material or any thicker fabric which may be difficult to tear into strips.

    • 2

      Sew ends of strips together with the right sides together, leaving a 1/2-inch seam allowance. Hand stitching is optional if preferred. Roll sewn fabric strips for rag rug into a ball to keep strips from tangling.

    • 3

      Make four chain stitches. Slip stitch together at ends to form a ring. Make two chain stitches. Single crochet nine times into the center of the ring. Slip stitch to close ring. Make two chain stitches.

    • 4

      Make two single crochet stitches into each single crochet on the row below. Slip stitch to join. Make two chain stitches at the end of the second round. Make one single crochet stitch into first single crochet stitch in row below. Make two single crochet stitches into the second crochet stitch. Repeat this pattern to end of row. Slip stitch to join. Make two chain stitches to begin the fourth round.

    • 5

      Make a single crochet stitch into the first and second single crochet stitches in the row below. Make two single crochet stitches into the third crochet stitch in the row below. Repeat this pattern to the end of row. Slip stitch to join. Make two chain stitches to begin round five. Continue increasing single crochet stitches so on each successive row of rag rug you add another single crochet stitch between the increase stitches. Make two chain stitches at end of each row.

    • 6

      Make a single crochet in each stitch around. Slip stitch in the first stitch of the round to join. Cut off the yarn, leaving a 6-inch tail. Pull the tail through the last stitch to finish. Work the tail back into the body of the rug with a crochet hook.

    • 7

      Cut fringe for rag rug out of old blue jeans or similar sturdy fabric. Make these strips 1 inch wide and 10 inches long each. Insert the crochet hook from front of rug behind the last two loops in the last row. Fold fringe strip in half in center.

    • 8

      Pull the hooked strip through the opening. Adjust so ends of each fringe strip of the rag rug are even.

    • 9

      Insert two ends of fringe through the looped section and pull taut. Attach fringe through every other stitch on last row of rag rug.

    • 10

      Launder completed rag rug with fringe in cold water when needed. Lay flat to dry.