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What Kind of Rug to Buy for a Crawling Baby

Having a baby is a big change for a family. There are many small details to think about, and there are many things for the baby to get into or fall on that could be dangerous. Adding a rug to a hard floor is not only decorative, it will also help protect your baby when crawling or learning to walk.
  1. Color and Design

    • When purchasing a rug, find a color and pattern to match the decor of the room. When you shop, take paint swatches that are the same colors as the room where the rug will be used. You do not need to match the paint-swatch colors of the rug to the colors of the room, but make sure the colors are harmonious together and work with the overall design aesthetic.

      Having a bold pattern on the rug will be fun for your baby. She will spend a lot of time on her stomach and will enjoy looking it. Contrasting colors are easier for your baby to see as her eyesight is developing. Make sure the pattern works with the design aesthetic of the room.


    • Synthetic rug materials are less expensive but are not as durable as natural ones. Synthetic materials also expel gases from the chemicals used to make them. A natural material such as wool or cotton is a better choice.

      Wool naturally repels liquid, and spills or spit-ups can be easily cleaned. A cut wool rug--with the fiber ends sticking out rather than looped--can be irritating to your baby's soft skin.

      Cotton is a softer material for a rug and very easy to clean. Most cotton rugs can be placed in the washing machine, if not too large. They are not as durable as a wool rug but much less expensive.


    • Consider the cost versus the advantages and disadvantages when purchasing a new rug. A rug is a big purchase; it is best to buy a rug that your child will continue to enjoy as he gets older. Avoid rugs that have treatments to repel stains, because they will release toxic chemicals into the air.