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Instructions for Flokati Rug Care

Flokati rugs, which are said to have originated in ancient Greece, are soft, fluffy, woolen rugs that have stood the test of time because of their quality of wool and craftsmanship. These luxurious rugs are perfect for bedrooms and sitting areas, and come in a wide range of sizes and colors. Here is what you need to know about caring for your flokati rug.
  1. Shake It Off

    • The first step to keeping a clean flokati rug is to shake off excess dirt or debris outside. If the rug is large, you may need help from a friend. Once you've shaken the rug off, find a spot where it can be left outside to breathe for a few hours. Do not place flokati rugs in direct sunlight.

    Washing Flokati Rugs

    • If the rug will fit in your washing machine, you can wash it on a delicate cycle with a mild detergent such as Woolite. Do NOT place a flokati rug in the dryer. It is wool, it will shrink. Hang the rug outside to dry. Once thoroughly dry, use a metal dog brush to refluff the woolen fibers, starting at the middle of the rug and working out to all edges, gently restoring the fullness of the rug.