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How to Fix Rug Backing

Rugs will generally lose their latex backing over time; commonly the top of the rug will outlast the bottom. The latex on the back of a rug can be vulnerable to the heat of a dryer or heavy foot traffic over long periods. However, the good news is that the rubber backing of your favorite rug is reparable with a few supplies from your local hardware store.

Things You'll Need

  • Liquid latex
  • Rug
  • Scissors
  • Washing machine
  • Liquid detergent
  • Disposable paintbrush
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      Wash the rug in the washing machine on the gentle cycle. When the washing machine has completed the wash cycle, hang the rug to dry completely. Do not dry the rug using a clothes dryer.

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      Lay the rug on a flat surface where it can remain for 24 to 48 hours, ensuring the rug will dry completely. Make sure the surrounding temperature is at least 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

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      Position the rug with the rubber backing facing upward. Remove any loose particles from the old latex on the rug by scraping or cutting it away using scissors.

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      Apply masking tape to the outer edge on the backside of the rug to prevent any liquid latex from staining the fabric.

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      Open the can of liquid latex with a screwdriver, or paint can opener. Stir the contents of the liquid latex with a clean stirring stick. Stir until the settled particles of the liquid latex are thoroughly mixed.

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      Apply one coat of liquid latex to the back of the rug with a disposable paintbrush. Start in one corner of the rug, and brush a liberal amount of the liquid latex to the entire back of the rug. Let the latex dry thoroughly for 24 hours or until the latex is no longer sticky or wet to the touch.

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      Apply a second coat of liquid latex to the entire back of the rug. Allow the rug to dry for 24 to 48 hours before use.