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Home Remedies for Cleaning a Wool Carpet

Wool is a natural, durable carpeting that repels water. It is a common carpeting, but wool is often expensive to clean. If your wool carpet is stained or dirty, consider ways to clean it without going to an expensive commercial cleaning company. Use natural home remedies to remove new stains, old stubborn stains and to simply clean a dirty carpet.
  1. Dealing With Old Spots

    • Dirty feet can cause stains and spots on wool carpets.

      Many spots are from unknown sources. Remove these spots from a wool carpet using a spray bottle that contains 2 tbsp. of a wool cleaner and 2 tbsp. of vinegar. Add a cup and a half of water. Spray this cleaner onto the spots, let it soak in for a minute and dab the spot with an absorbent cloth.

    Dealing With New Spots

    • Wine can cause difficult stains on carpets.

      If the spot is a new spot, resist the urge to pour carpet cleaner all over it. Pouring carpet cleaner over a juice spot, wine stain or berry stain causes the stain to spread. Instead place a dry cloth on top of the spot, and let the cloth soak up much of the stain. Avoid scrubbing the spot.

      Add salt to the spot if it is a wine stain to help draw the wine up out of the carpet. Rubbing alchohol helps to remove ink stains. To remove chocolate stains, scrape off some of the chocolate, and place a cloth over the towel. As the chocolate drys, iron the towel and the chocolate will transfer onto the towel from the carpet.

    Cleaning the Entire Carpet

    • Cleaning your own carpets is more affordable than sending them to the cleaners.

      While it is tempting to hire someone to clean the carpet, the cost can run into the hundreds of dollars. Instead rent a carpet cleaner after spot cleaning old and new spots. In 2010, a carpet cleaner from a rental store costs around $100. Using a rented carpet cleaner, which should take under an hour to clean each room in the house. Cleaning your own carpets at home is much cheaper than sending oriental rugs to the cleaners or hiring carpet cleaners to come to your home.