Home Garden

Handmade Yarn Shag Rugs

Whether you make your own or buy a handmade yarn shag rug, your home will benefit from its warmth and character. Although shag rugs are easy to make, they take time and the work is repetitive. Once you master the basics, however, you can work on the rug while you watch TV. Handmade yarn rugs can be made from a variety of different yarns, depending on your budget, taste and expected wear and tear. You can make handmade yarn shag rugs in solid colors or in stripes or patterns.
  1. Tools and Supplies

    • The materials for a handmade shag rug are basic and easy to find. You'll need a rug canvas, which looks like a graph made of strong fibers, a latch hook, yarn, a permanent marker, masking tape, a needle, thread and rug binding. Some people use duct tape instead of rug binding, but rug binding will give the rug a more polished, professional look, and it will be more durable. If you have trouble finding these materials at your local craft store, you can find them from online rug suppliers.


    • When choosing yarn for your shag rug, keep several things in mind. First, consider the fibers used in the yarn. Wool yarn is more durable than acrylic, but it stains easier. Acrylic yarn is easier to work with, but it tends to fray. Acrylic blends that combine natural cotton, silk or wool fibers are usually a good compromise. You can buy skeins of yarn and cut the yarn into small pieces that you will use for creating the shag. You can control the length this way and vary the length if you'd like a variegated texture, but cutting the yarn is time consuming. Conversely, you can buy rug yarn that is pre-cut, usually in 2 1/2-inch lengths.


    • Part of the fun of making your own handmade yarn shag rug is designing it to complement your home. When making your own rug, you can choose your colors and create a unique design. Look for design ideas in catalogs and books, and then draw your design on a piece of paper. Make alterations to it, and when you're happy with your design, draw it on the rug canvas with a permanent marker. If your design is complex and requires many colors, use colored permanent markers to help you remember which color should go where.


    • Once you have mastered the technique of making a knot with yarn on the canvas, you can complete an entire rug. Hold the latch hook in your right hand or reverse if you are left-handed. Fold a piece of pre-cut yarn in half around the latch hook's shank and hold it in place with your right index finger. Insert the hook's tip into one of the canvas's holes and pull it out through the hold just above it. Push the hook through until the latch has gone through the canvas. Hold both ends of the yarn between your left thumb and forefinger, making sure the latch is open. Place the yarn between the latch and the hook. Pull the hook out, toward you, to bring the ends of the yarn through the loop, releasing the yarn with your fingers. Tighten the knot by pulling the yarn ends toward you. Once you can do this motion comfortably, you can work on your rug while watching TV or talking with friends.