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Do-It-Yourself Repairing Carpet

Exposed to wear and tear and heavy traffic, carpets are bound to stain, tear and fray at the edges. Save on expenses by repairing the carpet yourself instead of seeking professional assistance. Repairing a carpet requires a steady hand and attention to detail so the patched section blends in with the surrounding area. While repair shortcuts save time and effort, the damage is apparent when the carpet is spread on the floor.
  1. Preparation

    • Proper planning and preparation goes a long way to limit damage. Roll up the carpet and take it out of the room. Spread it over a clean, hard surface with plenty of space all around to allow for movement during the repair. Inspect the exact location and size of the damaged section on the carpet. If more than one section of the carpet is damaged, cut and apply pieces of masking tape over the spots to identify their locations.

    Tear Repair

    • In the home scenario, carpet tears commonly occur due to heavy traffic, dragging heavy furniture or playful dogs. for example. Tears require immediate attention, irrespective of their size, to keep them from expanding. Turn the carpet over and locate the torn side. Avoid making the repairs on the front of the carpet that will be visible. Pull out loose fibers between the edges of the tear so the cut is visible. Pull the torn corresponding edges together and secure a length of duct tape over them. To spot-repair a small tear or hole, cut out a cookie-sized section of the carpet using a circular patch tool. Remove the protective film from the back of a piece of double-sided tape and set it inside the hole. Fill the hole in the carpet with an identical patch of carpet.

    Frayed Edge Repair

    • Cats or dogs that pull or paw the edges of a carpet cause threads to fray and come loose. Frayed carpet edges are not only unsightly but pose a tripping hazard. Similar to repairing torn carpet sections, repairing frayed edges warrants immediate attention to prevent the surrounding threads from becoming loose. Snip off loose fibers down to the same height as the remaining carpet. Thread heavy-duty thread in an upholstery needle. Insert it through the back of the carpet, 1/4 inch from the tear. Extend it over the damaged section and back into the carpet. Repeat the process of wrapping the carpet with thread until you cover the damaged section. Installing a carpet bar pre-cut to size over the frayed section of the carpet also prevents further damage.

    Stain Repair

    • Stained carpets look unkempt and unattractive. Remove the stain as soon as it occurs to prevent it from extending to the ends of the fibers. Scoop out the material causing the stain immediately with a plastic spoon before it hardens. Spray a commercial carpet cleaner or homemade soapy solution on the stain, and rub it gently in circular motions with a sponge. Continue to blot the residue with a towel until the towel appears dry. Allow the carpet to dry thoroughly.